Alina Galman

Class of 2021

Home Country: Originally from Kazakhstan, living in Israel since 1996.

Education: B.A in History and Classics.

Why am I studying at the HCGES: Historical and current family affiliations to Germany connect me to this country. Also, I believe that the study of Europe is of incredible relevance in our period. Having lived in Ireland, an EU country, for three years, I got curious as to how this multi-layered system operates. 

Intend Academic Focus: Cultural and societal aspects of German history.

Past and Current Work Experience: I finished my BA of Arts in History and Classics at the National University of Ireland, Galway. Before that, I worked in an international Hotel for four years, where I communicated and assisted                                                               guests from all over the world. This was an invaluable experience, which gave me a more global perspective on life.